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TOSF型比重分級去石機是利用篩理和氣流的聯合作用進行分級去石, 主要用于原糧頭道清理,去雜、去石,亦可用于其他谷類糧食的清理和種 子精選,該機具有生產效率高、清理效果好、噪音低、無粉塵外揚、操作 簡單、維修方便等特點。
 Model TQSF proportion classifying de-stoner classifies and gets rid of stones combining sifting with airflow. It is mainly used for crude grain primary clearing and getting rid of impurities or stones. What’s more, it can be used for other grain clearing and seeds picking. The machine has the features as follows: high-efficiency, good clearing result, low noises, no dust seen, convenient operation and maintenance.

一分PK10-幸运快3 手机购彩-通用app下载 趣购彩-官网 百姓彩票-专业购彩 网信彩票(浙江)集团有限公司 凤凰彩票(北京)集团有限公司 掌上彩票(广州)集团有限公司